The Legend
Long ago, on a chilly December night, an old crusty biker was returning from his trip to Mexico with his saddlebags filled with trinkets and toys for the children at a group home where he worked. As he rode along the twisted roads that evening, he thought to himself how lucky he had been in his life, having a loving wife who understood his love for riding. He felt truly blessed that his trusty hog hadn’t let him down in the many years that they had shared the road together.
About 40 miles north of the Mexico border, in the high desert, lurks a small group of critters known as “Road Gremlins”. These gremlins leave tree branches and other debris in the road, creating a hazard for riders. They also dig potholes in the hopes that bikers will crash so that they can dance and rejoice at their acts of evil.
As the lone biker rounded the bend on a moonlit road, the gremlins ambushed him, causing him to crash. His bike slid on the asphalt before coming to a halt. He lay there on the ground in silence, unable to move as the gremlins approached him. He stretched to find objects to thwart the gremlins, and running out of options, he began to ring the bell that was mounted on his bike, hoping that would scare them away.
In the meantime, 2 fellow bikers were camping nearby and had heard what sounded like church bells ringing in the distance, which they thought was peculiar because of the late hour. Upon investigating the sound, they discovered the fallen biker and the evil gremlins. The bikers chased away the gremlins, and the fallen biker was eternally grateful. He offered to pay them for their help, but as true bikers do, they refused to accept any type of payment for their good deed. Determined to show his gratitude, the rescued biker cut two pieces of leather from his saddlebags and attached a bell on each one to present to his comrades. The tired, scraped-up biker told his new friends to place the bells on their own bikes, near to the ground, so that they could ward off the evil road gremlins.
The Purpose of the Bell
Many of us have heard the story of the evil road spirits. They are responsible for bike’s problems including lighting malfunctions, start up problems, when your battery goes dead, the clutch needs an adjustments, among other things. Evil road spirits can’t live in the presence of the bell, because they get trapped in the hollow of the bell. Their hearing is hypersensitive, so between the ringing of the bell and being trapped in the small place, the bell keeps them at bay. If you pick up a bell on your own, the magic will work, but if your bell is given to you, the power is doubled.
Show someone how much you care. Offer them a defense against the evil road spirits! Give a Guardian Bell to a loved one and share the legend of good luck it offers to a motorcycle and its rider. Guardian Bells are sold at Mix’s Trading Post. Choose from a variety of styles!

This story was originally found at bikebandit.com and you can view their site HERE. The original author and source is unknown.